Somehow this news struck me like a blunt arrowhead to the psyche, and I had four separate nightmares about it last night. To think you’re achieving your dream and then to have it rescinded on the whim of someone who was not involved at the get go is just so bleak. So bleak! That's some serious Orwellian "Room 101" material.
On the upside, she has an excellent agent and she’s beautiful and marketable in addition to being a talented writer, so we’re all certain that she’ll be under contract somewhere else very soon.
I just really, really, really can’t wait until her book wins the Printz Award.
Now, how about we all go out and buy a book today so we spare more authors a trip to the Ministry of Love's Room 101?
Oh, that's so sad. I'm buying books right now.
Oh my! I think I would have a complete meltdown if that happened to me!
I'm sure if one editor felt strongly enough about it, then she will get another one to do the same!
Dude, I had nightmares about it to. But you're right - she's awesome and she'll bounce back.
I don't think I knew that could even happen. What a nightmare. But Clover is aboslutely right, if one editor liked it then of course eventually another one will see the light and snap that book up before it gets away. Best of luck to the author--we're all rooting for you!
Wow, that is terrible. I really feel for that author, that has to be heartbreaking.
I think I just may have to go out and buy a book today, 'cause of that.
I don't like reading this.
So sad! What a crushing blow. But where there is one editor that likes it, there will be others.
What a long and tedious process writing/publishing is. I hope this ends up being a really good thing - better timing, better publisher, better editor, and lots of great awards!
This will all be great material for her acceptance speeches. :-)
That's so sad. I'm one of those "everything happens for a reason" people though, so I bet it's going to end up with an editor who is way better for the novel. Best wishes to her!
Worst. Nightmare. Ever! Send her good wishes, and remind her that if it sold ones, it'll sell again!!!
OK, that was "once", not "ones"!
aaww man, that sucks!
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