As I was falling asleep last night I had a ten-minute revelation about a key scene my shelved work-in-progress needed. Dialog, a new character, some nice sensory detail – it had it all. But because I had turned the heat way, way down as I love to do and the electric blanket way, way up as I love to do, I wasn’t too keen on getting out of bed to jot down some reminders. So I etched it into my brain, sure this was too good to forget.
I think you know where I’m going with this. Yep, when I woke up this morning the only thing on my mind was whether bittersweet chocolate chunks would improve or ruin the miracle that is homemade peppermint ice cream.
Seriously, I can’t even remember where in the novel this fabulous scene was supposed to fit, let alone any detail of it other than that it was the ultimate key to any chance of success I had in this lifetime.
That WIP shall remain shelved for now.
Damn you, cold wood floors!
3 days ago
Oh... Electric blankets! I love them so. And I prefer the room to be cold and then a nice warm blanket.
Man. Now you're making me want to snuggle up in bed. There's goes my productivity! hahaha
Have a great day!
Here's what you do. Turn the heat off, the blanket on, and crawl back in bed for the mindset you had last night. It will come back, and if not, you will have a good time on this foggy morning while the kids are at school after 4 days off! Mom
Don't tempt me, people! My electric blanket addiction is something I struggle with all day long...
How funny is this? The same thing happened to me yesterday, only I don't have an electric blanket. I was just too lazy to get up and write it down!
Well, Carrie, I think it's obvious that if either one of us could get it together enough to keep a notebook by the bed it's no doubt we'd both be enjoying the kind of success that Stephanie "I just jotted down a lil' dream I had" Meyer does. Arg.
The addition of bittersweet chunks could only improve the miracle of Peppermint Ice Cream!!!
Barb - I was sort of leaning in that direction too...I may try it with one bowl full - it would be a tragedy of epic proportions to ruin the whole batch.
OK if you have a recipe for homemade peppermint ice cream, I so want to see it! That stuff is heaven in a bowl.
Oh how I know the feeling of thinking for sure you will remember it later. It's amazing how slippery our minds are, isn't it?
And Christy, you think you had it bad, last year I lived in a heaterless garage. Try climbing out of THAT bed in the wintertime.
AC - I will test out the bittersweet chocolate hypothesis and then post results and recipe!
Tyler, maybe you should have gotten one of those huge heated igloo things you can get for dogs to sleep in. Mmm, cozy!
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