Wednesday, October 22, 2008


It's blustery here today. The wind is tearing the vibrant red and orange leaves from the branches they've been clinging to since March and then sweeping them up in little whirlpools here and there - one last fun ride before their inevitable decay.

I went for a walk this morning and while my hair was being whipped into a bird's nest, some good ideas came swirling in. Wind does that to me - somehow warm gusts always open up new possibilities and blow in new perspective on old issues. Got to write them down before they blow away again...


Anonymous said...

I heard somewhere that wind actually does cause neurons to move around wildly, thus contributing to kids' craziness in schools during blustery days, or to your innovation.

Feeding the frenzy a breakfast burrito might be an idea?

Anonymous said...

I had a similar day out here in the midwest - the perfect blustery day full of ideas and promise! CDG

Katie Anderson said...

This was interesting Christy! I think I may go out and find me some wind :)