Some nice things have been happening over at the home of my forthcoming books. Publisher’s Weekly just ran a story on how well Flux is doing, with sales up 30% over last year and publicists are “fielding calls recently from Hollywood agents and producers looking to tap into popular teen reading trends by adapting Flux titles for television shows.” In this sh**y economy, I’d call that more than a ray of sunshine. That’s full-on sunspot action.
When you look at their list, it’s hard to believe that Flux is just three years old. The much respected Andrew Karre is responsible for those first great years and now Brian Farrey, the new acquisitions editor (and former senior publicist at Flux), is adding his own flavah. I’ve really enjoyed working with him so far—he’s the perfect blend of smart and irreverent. One of the things he’s changing up is the blog, which is moving in the direction of podcasting. Check out the newly redesigned Flux blog for details. Brian is a big fan of musicals and I’m hoping he brings that love to a few of his podcasts. Can you see it? The stage is dark, the audience is hushed, Brian sits alone in a chair framed only by the gilded proscenium. Then a small, soft light floods his face as he delivers the latest news, a cappella, about Flux books and authors. Quiet at first, then…wait for it…wait for it—there it is! He hits the money note!
(To be clear, there was no mention of these podcasts becoming musicals, but one can hope.)
And lastly, the bitchin’ Flux covers are not going unnoticed— Publisher’s Weekly Shelftalker columnist Alison Morris even went so far as to award a gold star in this article. Can't wait to see what they do with my covers.
Yay Flux! You make me proud to be in your stable.
This is so cool Christy!!!!
Awesome! I'm excited for you. Can't wait till day zero!
How do you find this stuff out so fast? I go to you for the news now.
can't wait to see YOUR cover!
Anne, it's called straight-up procrastination. Once I exhaust my daily blog rounds I get to work...
THAT is one sleek, sexy blog!!!
Congratulations on the news about your publisher, Christy! Can't wait to read your book! And I like your procrastination philosophy . . . I do that, too!
You're right, the covers completely win at life. I can't wait to see yours because it will be awesome.
so nice to hear positive industry news! And yes, looking forward to your cover!!!
Love hearing the good news. And yay for you to be signed up with such a hip and successful publisher.
I love Flux! And I know they'll do amazing things with your cover!!!! And I bet yours will have pants! hahahaha
Well deserved praise. I mean, they've got YOU. ;)
kewl so instead of a move - your book will be a musical! :)
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