No matter how you feel about Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love, her speech "A new way to think about creativity" at the 2009 TED conference is really, really interesting. A worthwhile way to spend 19 minutes. (Thanks Katie!)
5 weeks ago
Dispatches from writer/author Christy Raedeke
I've watched this thing twice this morning, and I love, love, love it.
My hubby is taking my kids away this weekend so that I can get cracking on novel #2 (which has been sitting at 2/3 of a draft for about six months now). I plan to channel my own little green fairy--yes, I see her as green. And, no, I haven't been hitting the absinthe.
Oooh, la la! Valentine's Weekend alone with your manuscript!
Sounds divine. With or without the Absinthe...
Wow! Christy, thanks for turning me on to that. She is a terrific speaker. Amazing ideas and approaches to creativity. It was well worth the 19 minutes.
Oh wow. Did I ever need to hear that today. I love the part about the poem chasing down the poet.
Thanks for sharing!
I know, Robin, that gave me the chills!
I watched this thing twice yesterday and cried like a baby! A friend of SF's and mine sent it to us a couple of days ago.
It really jump started me! Glad you posted it here.
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