So it's Book Release Eve and I got the best present ever! A nice review from Booklist by Ilene Cooper. You have NO IDEA how relieved I am by this. I was really starting to sweat the review thing. Now who cares if I get some bad ones? Ilene Cooper liked my book!
The Daykeeper's Grimoire, Raedeke, Christy (Author)
May 2010. 384 p. Flux
Caity doesn’t mind spending the summer at her parents’ newly inherited Scottish castle. For one thing, there’s a monkey that can do origami. For another, there’s the hunky nephew of the housekeeper. But if that wasn’t enough, 16-year-old Caity soon finds herself embroiled in a fantastical mystery. The castle itself, sitting on a lonely spit of land, is full of strange symbols and hidden spaces. In short order, she learns that she is to be one of the teenagers who will bring the world to a new enlightenment. First, of course, she has to squash the evil doings of some very secret societies. Just about every New Age totem one can think of gets a mention here: runes, sacred spaces, ancient prophecies, and especially the countdown to 2012. What leavens book one in the Prophecy of Days series is Caity herself. A delightful heroine, she’s funny, frank, and mostly true to the way a real teen would act if she found herself in such an odd circumstance. Readers will want to follow Caity’s adventure. — Ilene Cooper
5 weeks ago