My sister justs sent a link to this and I don't think I have ever laughed out loud alone for that long. Still wiping the tears away... I'm now going to watch every Literal Video ever made. It's genius!
5 weeks ago
Dispatches from writer/author Christy Raedeke
emo kid is throwing slow-mo dove at my face!
i also want to recommend the tears for fears one! & not just b/c it takes place in a library:
Hahahahahahaha. That was awesome. I'm afraid to youtube more literal videos, for fear of spending the next hour staring at my computer screen with tears in my eyes. I'm afraid my husband is demanding we do so, though. Thanks for making our nights :)
I hadn't seen this one--genius!! PLEASE go watch the Tears for Fears "Take On Me" literal video. priceless.
Glee Club of the Damned. Hahahaha!!!!!
Love this.
JK it's not tears for fears it's A-HA. but see it anyway, vry funny.
AC and Berk, both excellent recommendations! What a pathetic Friday night I'm having - and LOVING it!
Literal Video, I heart you.
I never realized how much weird sh*t was going on at that school...I used to think that was awesome. Wow, the 80's really did a number on me!
Great way to start the weekend!
I've been surprised lately by the stuff writers--myself included--have been finding hilarious stuff on the 'Net.
Is anyone actually writing???
Jennie: I don't know about anyone else, but I know I've spent an excessive amount of time playing around on the net instead of writing this week ... not good, since I just entered the juju summer writing contest. Sigh ...
Hubby showed me the literal Meatloaf video for "I'd do anything for love, but I won't do that." It was great!!! You've gotta see that one, too!
WandaV in AL
Wanda - the meatloaf one has become my new favorite! Man, what a timesuck this literal video has become!
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