I found out last night that
Творческое кооперативное объединение (AKA Creative Cooperative Association AST) has made an offer to publish the
Prophecy of Days books in Russian! Can you believe it? They're one of the country's largest publishers and they have a bookstore chain as well. How convenient!
It is still amazing to me that a story I typed up alone in my office has any value—to think of it being sold in places as big and far away as Russia is fairly incomprehensible.
Get your fur coat!
Whoo hoo!
BTW, I am the new children's book reviewer for New Age Retailer, and I requested your book for review. I can't wait!
Yes, Jennie, let's go!
PJ - Congrats on your reviewer position! That's huge! But now I'm terrified...
That is awesome. Big time congrats. Guess you better bone up on your Russian, huh? It's really not that hard :)
So exciting, congrats!
I bet you've been singing the Beatles' Back in the USSR song all day... though you might have to change the lyrics to "now in the former USSR." :)
How awesome! And exotic! Congrats :-)
Woooooo! World Domination Christy is happening! May I be a low servant? C'mon, pleeeeze?
This is great news! Congrats!
wow that's awesome girl!
Awesome! Congrats! :)
!!!! You are on fire! Keep the good news coming!!
That is GREAT News!! Congratulations!
Can I come with you on your international book tour? I will carry blinged out pens and hand warmers for you. Promise.
Everyone else is lauding your achievements. I'm worried about your immortal soul Christy. Russia? Aren't they part of the Evil Axle or something? Where has your sense of Americanism gone? I just don't know about you anymore. I'll pray for you and send some tracts in the mean time.
That is so totally cool!!!!
So awesome!! Huge congrats!!
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