Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Turkish Rights! Çok heyecanlıyım!

I can’t tell you how excited I am to accept an offer from Artemis/Alfa for Turkish language rights for Prophecy of Days, Books I and II! I’ve dreamed of visiting Turkey for decades and am overjoyed that my books will be there to represent me! I might just have to make a trip there to see the Turkish versions in their native habitat. The architecture! The Tea! The Bosphorous! It's all just so captivating!

Thanks to Taryn Fagerness for adding Turkey my little collection of foreign rights. It is an absolute thrill!


Anonymous said...

We are thrilled for you! If you need accompaniment on your trip, you know who to call. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

StaffPicks said...

Great News! Tebrikler!

Little Ms J said...

Dear Christy:

I barely know who you are anymore. You don't call, you don't write and while I'm thrilled about your success, I need more attention. I think I may be jealous of Turkey. Don't you know about my abandonment issues? Please write some kind of holiday newsletter-y post that mentions a pickled baby, a haunted something or other or clues us in on what you are buying me for Christmas.


Abandoned in Las Vegas

Julie said...

Awesome! My friend went to Turkey this summer. She had a lot of fun. what a gorgeous picture. Just from that alone, I'd love to visit.